Red Coral - Moonga

The Red Coral is a precious gemstone that also represents the planet Mars in respect to Hindu Astrology. It is also known as Moonga in India. Mars is said to control over the ambition, passion, valor, vitality, and victory in war or war like situations. A red coral can produce extremely good results if worn at the appropriate time by calculating the auspicious Muhurta. It safeguards its wearer from all sorts of evil spirits, evil eye, and black magic. It is also beneficial for people who have diseased body, as it stimulates the energy inside the body which helps in tissue regeneration and increase in blood cells, and its healing power promote recovery.

Wearing a red coral can also help in removing obstacles in marriage. For married men and women, it can make the relations more cordial. It helps in building self-confidence, and protect the women from widowhood. Red coral is also beneficial for skin, and helps as an anti-aging formula. For people in real estate, weapon manufacturing, security, army, etc. red coral can bring exceptional results.

As red coral represents Mars, which is a fiery planet that also signifies energy and action, the wearer can feel the improved zeal to excel, innovate, and lead from the front. Medically, it helps balancing bile, spinal canal, nervous system. It also helps fighting obesity, varicose veins, sterility, jaundice, hemorrhaging, and arthritis.

Red Coral is one such precious gemstone which can also bring disastrous results (regular fights, extreme aggression, and illicit relationships) if not worn under the supervision of an expert. Therefore, it is better to consult a professional astrologer before wearing any gemstone, as they can also give negative results under different circumstances.


GemstoneRed Coral
Ruling PlanetMars
Zodiac SignAries and Scorpio
Origin of Finest QualitySrilanka
Minimum Recommended Weight6.25 Ratti
Wearing InstructionStudded in Gold, and to be worn in Ring Finger
Mantra for Energizing the Yellow SapphireOm Kram Krim Kraum Sah Bhaumaya Namah

Instructions for Wearing Red Coral or Moonga:

  • Tuesday should be chosen for wearing Red Coral. If time permits, Shukla Paksha (Brighter Half of Moon) is ideal.
  • Wash the gemstone with unboiled cow milk, and gangajal (holy water), if available.
  • Place the gemstone in front of your Isht Devta or the God you have faith upon.
  • Ignite the Dhoopam and Deepam, and offer flowers.
  • Chant the Mangal (Mars) mantra given above (mantra must be chanted at least 108 times), and ask for blessings and fulfillment of desires you have for wearing the gemstone.
  • Wear it in the middle finger, or as prescribed by your astrologer.
  • Time of wearing, ask for Muhurta from your astrologer.

Weight Reference: 1 Ratti = 0.91 Carat, and 1 Ratti = 0.122 Gram.

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